Sunday, July 22, 2012

Give me a Dollar

Overheard from the other room Kelsi says "Karli If you give me a dollar I will be nice to you."

:O I promtly informed her that that's what bullies say and that it was very rude!!

Check the Ingredients

I'm quite health conscious and try to pay attention to what is in the foods we buy. So, we're shopping at grocery outlet and Kelsi (who is now 5) asks
"Mom are the ingredients in this okay?"
I say "let me look" then I notice what she has handed me, it's a cupcake kit that makes filled cupcakes, So I'm looking at the box...
She interrupts "mom the ingredients are on the side over there, you are looking at the instructions."
LOL Thanks kid, I explained "Kelsi I was seeing if it was something we could make at home easily, because they have a bunch of preservatives and junk in them."

Here's my girl by her birthday piƱata I made her.