Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Poor Donated Elf

Kelsi saw an Elf at the store tonight and told me that he was sad that his family had donated him and that she hoped he got a new home really fast (she was almost tearing up she was so sad for this Elf) I took pity on the poor little guy and bought him (he was .99) Kelsi was very concerned that he lost his Magic because his family abandoned him. She cuddled him like a newborn and Kissed him all the way to Hunter's house and whispered to him "you will get your magic back soon as you are Hunter and Danny's because Tiffany will send you back to Santa." I've never seen her so nurturing.

Santa dropped him off on Hunter and Danny's porch.

Monday, December 12, 2011

St. Nicholas Day

So, My sister told me about St. Nicholas day, I'd heard of it before from my few German friends, but had forgotten, Well, it's December 12th....St Nicholas day is December 5, but that doesn't really matter because well, My daughters are 4 and 3, I'm pretty sure that they won't remember what day they got treats in their shoes LOL.
Anyhow...I'm taking a Bath after dinner and I tell my girls "hey, go get one pair of shoes and put them outside your bedroom door because today is St. Nicholas day and if you were good you will get a present in your shoes while you sleep"
So.....minutes later, Kelsi returns with one pair of shoes. Karli returns with 4 pairs!! (this is the same child who can NEVER find her shoes when I ask her to get them on before we leave the house) and asks "What if I have lots iv shoes?" with this HUGE ornery grin on her face.
I without hesitation reply "Do it and find out!" (totally had a plan here)
They went to bed with their shoes like this:

And will be waking up with their shoes like this:

I strung them up with fishing line and alternated with candy canes.
Except for one pair, which has their gifts from St. Nicholas:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Butthead Hair-do

"Mommy why did you put my hair in a bummel?" (her word for Bun--IDK why)
"Because I wanted it to be all pretty for your dance recital"
Kelsi- "Bummels make me kinda like a butt-head"
Me "what? why?"
She says "see, feel this hole in the middle it's kind-of like a butt-hole so now I'm a butt-head"

Team UmiZoomi

Kelsi says "mom why don't you let me watch toomie youmie youmies" (I know she means Team Umi Zoomi)
I reply "Because I haven't watched it with you yet to see if its a show I approve of"
She says "Can we watch it when we get home and see if it's ok?"
I say "Sure, we'll Google it and see if it's one I think is a good show"
She says "Well actually mom it's on TV, not google, so you have to use the remote"

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Donating to Goodwill

I was being grouchy one day and Matt asks the girls "Should we get rid of your mommy and donate her to Goodwill?"
Kelsi says "yeah, then he will have two girlfriends"
Karli agreed "yeah, we'll donate mommy"
The back story on this one is Matt has a friend named Will well when Kelsi was 3 she called him "Goodwill" because we shopped at Goodwill the store and then when Matt named his friend she assumed that "Will" was a nickname for "Goodwill" and had a hard time differentiating the two she now knows but the nickname "Goodwill" has stuck, they do not yet understand that you don't donate to people.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Seeing Santa

We go to see Santa in Old town, and he arrived by Fire-truck (so double-cool in the eyes of my children) When it's our turn to see Santa Kelsi hops right up on his lap and
He says "Merry Christmas and what would you like for Christmas?"
Kelsi promptly replies "a walk ahind puppy"
To which he says "a walking puppy, good choice"

 Then Santa turns to Karli and asks "and what would you like for christmas?"
to which she replies grinning "poop"
Santa looks to me for clarification as Kelsi busts up laughing and Says "poop Karli?"
They both giggle uncontrollably and I turn red and giggle as well. (I think Santa turned red too)
then Karli says "or a walking puppy" and that was that.