Thursday, February 2, 2012


So today for lunch my kids had PB&J, Apple slices, and carrot sticks.
Karli says (to Karli) "I don't like carrots."
Kelsi replies in a motherly tone "Karli, you have to eat carrots so you can see WAY FAR."
Karli says "I can ALREADY see way far!"
Kelsi says "But CARROTS make it so you can see WAY WAY far."
Karli says "I'll just use nockburs (binoculars) you can eat the carrots."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Making coffee

Me "ugh I want coffee"
Karli jumps up "I'll make you some"
.....5 min later!=.....
"Mom I can't reach the cups"
So I go in there to help her.
She opens the can of coffee and says "there no more coffee"
I say "yup it's all gone"
she holds both hands up amd drops them down all exasperated and says "But you NEED some" and gets teary eyed.

Clearly my coffee intake is VERY important to her.