Monday, December 12, 2011

St. Nicholas Day

So, My sister told me about St. Nicholas day, I'd heard of it before from my few German friends, but had forgotten, Well, it's December 12th....St Nicholas day is December 5, but that doesn't really matter because well, My daughters are 4 and 3, I'm pretty sure that they won't remember what day they got treats in their shoes LOL.
Anyhow...I'm taking a Bath after dinner and I tell my girls "hey, go get one pair of shoes and put them outside your bedroom door because today is St. Nicholas day and if you were good you will get a present in your shoes while you sleep"
So.....minutes later, Kelsi returns with one pair of shoes. Karli returns with 4 pairs!! (this is the same child who can NEVER find her shoes when I ask her to get them on before we leave the house) and asks "What if I have lots iv shoes?" with this HUGE ornery grin on her face.
I without hesitation reply "Do it and find out!" (totally had a plan here)
They went to bed with their shoes like this:

And will be waking up with their shoes like this:

I strung them up with fishing line and alternated with candy canes.
Except for one pair, which has their gifts from St. Nicholas:

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