Starting back at old stuff they've said and will add in some current events as they unfold.
Kelsi how she learned how to actually tell boys from girls.
Kelsi (2) Walks in to our bedroom and my husband is just getting out of the shower,
She asks "what's that?" as she points the straw she was just chewing on at my husbands penis.
My husband and I become like deer and headlights desperately looking at each other for an answer, we had not yet decided what to call it nor did we figure she would notice it anytime soon.
She chimes in "a tail?" and continues on her merry way.
Meanwhile my husband and I about die laughing.
On that day my husband became super private and Kelsi never brought up daddy's tail again. Occasionally she would see him getting out of the shower or walk on while he was peeing,
Fast forward---
Kelsi (3.5) welcome new baby brother!!
He's wonderful, he has a belly cord which she thinks is nasty, and what we have chosen to call a penis, no hiding it during diaper changes!!
Well, his belly cord fell off and Kelsi says to her sister and I overhear
"Kaleb had a belly cord and it fell off and he has a penis and it's gonna fall off"
I butt in "Kelsi why do you think his penis is going to fall off??"
she replies "well his belly cord fell off and now he has a belly button so his penis will fall off and he will have a 'gina"
Me- "honey it doesn't work like that, Kaleb is a BOY"
Kelsi- "yeah, he has short hair"
Me- "yup he does" and I dropped it.
Fast Forward---
Kelsi (4) "mom, Kaleb is a boy, daddy is a boy, you are a girl, Karli is a girl, and I am a girl"
Me- "what makes you so sure, I think you are a boy" I like to tease her
Kelsi- "no I a girl"
Me- "What makes you a girl?"
Kelsi- "I have long hair."
Me- "well the little boy at the doctors office had long hair, was he a girl"
Kelsi- "no"
Me- "And grandpa has long hair is he a girl?"
Kelsi- with exasperation "NO"
Me- "so how do you know they are boys?"
Kelsi- "I don't know but they are."
Yet Another day---
Kelsi- "mom, Kaleb has a penis, Karli, you and me have 'gina's and Daddy has a tail"
Me (thinking UGH this again?!?!) "Kelsi daddy does not have a tail"
Kelsi- "Yes he do, it right here in his front." (as she points on herself)
Me- "that's not a tail Kelsi" LMAO
she just gave me a look of sheer confusion and slight annoyance, apparently I do not know my husbands body, and clearly she has a long memory!!
Over the last 2 weeks and i'm not sure the exact conversations, but she now knows that boys have penises and girls have 'gina's that they are both private parts. I tried to explain that only mommy and daddy can wipe or clean her and that she needs to tell me if anyone touches her etc... She is young so IDK how well she got that part.
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