Saturday, November 5, 2011

Eating Boogers

I was cooking dinner and discussing which veggie to cook with Karli.
I said, "well it's broccoli or boogers" Basically I like to throw in off the wall things and see how my girls respond or what they'll do.
Karli says "Noooo, we don't eat boogers"
I replied "I do!!"
She says "OH, you want me to get you one?" as she simultaneously shoves her finger up her nose to fish one out for me.
I told her "No, I only like MY boogers"
She asks "Oh want me to get one out for you?" and tries to shove her finger up my nose LOL
I said "No I was just kidding, we don't eat boogers"

Matt and I were recently discussing, we won't freak out on our kids if we catch them eating their boogers,  given it's not in a public eating facility or you know, grandma's house or something. Basically the way we see it its their own boogers and they are entering the safest part of their body to kill any accompanying germs, plus, we've got bigger fish to fry!

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